An Ethnographic Study of the New American Color Line and How Black People Navigate It, by Sterling Professor Elijah Anderson

Department News
March 31, 2022

Elijah Anderson, Sterling Professor of Sociology and of African American Studies and winner of the 2021 Stockholm Prize in Criminology, the world’s most prestigious prize in the field of criminology, has authored a new ethnographic study of the American color line, which was previously noted by W.E.B. Du Bois, in 1903, as the problem of the 20th century.  “White people avoid Black spaces, but Black people must navigate the white space as a condition of their existence.” He was recently interviewed by YaleNews, and here is the resulting in-depth Q and A. Yale Daily News interview


Sterling Professor awarded 2021 Stockholm prize

Black in White Space: The Enduring  Impact of Color in Everyday Life