Jason Wong

Jason Wong's picture
M.Phil. Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2023
B.SSc. Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2021
Areas of Interest: 
Social Demography, Health and Aging, Social Stratification and Inequality


Jason Wong is a Ph.D. student in Sociology at Yale University. His current research revolves around exploring how inequalities in socioeconomic resources embedded within multigenerational family relationships intersect with health disparities throughout the course of life. Contextualizing the research primarily in the United States and China, his ongoing work includes investigating: (1) the asymmetric effects of children’s educational mobility on parental health, (2) the cognitive and mental health as well as socio-behavioral consequences of grandparenthood and grandparenting, and (3) older adults’ patterns of time use in productive engagement and their racial/ethnic variations. Prior to joining Yale Sociology, Jason participated in research initiatives spanning ageism and active aging, tobacco control policies, and social inequalities and housing rights.