Sandy Zhao

Sandy Zhao's picture
Ph.D. Candidate
B.A. Sociology and Government, magna cum laude. (Cornell University);
MA and MPhil in Sociology (Yale University)
Areas of Interest: 
Comparative historical methods, political and cultural sociology, crime, law.

Sandy Zhao is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology at Yale University. Her research focuses on the relationship between politics and law, particularly in how conceptions of justice are constructed.  Her dissertation project compares U.S. and Russian legal systems, legal culture, criminal justice by examining the role of politics and different paths of professional development in legal education. 

Sandy is a recipient of the Yale Fox International Fellowship and the Boren Fellowship. These fellowships jointly funded her dissertation research abroad in Moscow, Russia during the 2012-2013 academic year. While in Moscow, Sandy took law and Russian language courses in addition to conducting her own research with law students in the Criminal Law and Civil Law Departments at Moscow State University.  

Sandy holds a BA in Sociology and Government (with high honors) from Cornell University, and an MA and MPhil in Sociology from Yale University.