Colloquia & Workshops

Sociology Colloquium Series

Sponsored by the Department, the Sociology Colloquium Series presents the latest research by distinguished guests from the United States and around the world. These talks are free and open to the public. 


Comparative Research Workshop

  • Tuesdays 11:50-1:20 (lunch served) (Fellows Lounge, Grace Hopper College, 189 Elm Street) – note that workshops begin at noon
  • CRW Workshop

This workshop is a weekly seminar in which a variety of work-in-progress by visiting scholars, Yale graduate students, and Yale faculty from Sociology and other disciplines is discussed. Papers are distributed approximately a week ahead of time and posted to the CRW website. Students who take the course for a letter grade have to present a paper the term they are enrolled for credit. (Course listing: SOCY 560/PLSC 734)


Center for Empirical Research on Stratification and Inequality 

  • Thursdays 12:00-1:20 p.m. (210 Prospect Street, Room 203)
  • CERSI Workshop

The workshop focuses on theoretical and methodological issues in the areas of the life course (education, training, labor markets, aging as well as family demography), social inequality (class structures, stratification, and social mobility) and related topics. The core of the workshop is devoted to the discussion of ongoing research by faculty and graduate students. The workshop will also include lectures and hands-on practical training in select topics in quantitative research methodology.

Workshop in Cultural Sociology

The Workshop in Cultural Sociology is designed to be a permanent, ongoing part of the Graduate curriculum. Meeting weekly throughout both the Fall and Spring semesters, it will constitute an continuing, informal seminar to explore areas of mutual interest among students and faculty, both visiting and permanent. The core concern of the workshop is social meaning and its forms and processes of institutionalization, with special reference to the problem of civil society, democracy, and inclusion. Meaning is approached both as structure and performance, drawing not only upon the burgeoning area of cultural sociology but on the humanities, philosophy, and other social sciences. Our references are codes, narratives, and metaphors, and the elements of their performance. Institutionalization refers to the social processes that provide the context for culture-creation and that stratify its effects. Our references here are the normal stuff of sociology: class, race, gender, sexuality, religion, status hierarchies and marginality, centers and peripheries, and globality.

Please note: Workshop readings are automatically available to current participants only and require authentication (username and password). Off-campus CCS Fellows can contact the CCS Administrator to gain access as needed.


Workshop in Urban Ethnography

The ethnographic interpretation of urban life and culture. Conceptual and methodological issues will be discussed. Ongoing projects of participants will be presented in a “workshop” format, thus providing participants with critical feedback as well as the opportunity to learn from and contribute to ethnographic work “in progress.” Selected ethnographic works will be read and assessed.