Graduate Program
Program Description
The doctoral program in sociology prepares students for careers in research and teaching. While most of our graduates teach in colleges and universities, others hold research appointments in government agencies, think tanks, tech companines, health centers, consulting firms, and non-profit organizations.
Graduate student work is oriented to one or more of the following departmental clusters: Comparative and Historical Sociology; Culture/Knowledge; Economic Sociology and Organizations; Family/Gender/Sexuality; Global, Regional and Transnational Sociology; Health, Medicine, and Biosocial Interactions; Law and Criminology; Methods; Political Sociology and Social Movements; Race and Ethnicity; Religion; Social Networks; Social Stratification; Theory.
Graduate students in the department often affiliate with one or more workshops, programs and centers during their time in the department. Some of the available centers and workshops include: Center for Cultural Sociology (CCS); Center for Empirical Research on Stratification and Inequality (CERSI); Center for Historical Enquiry and the Social Sciences (CHESS); Comparative Research Workshop (CRW); Human Nature Lab (HNL); MacMillan Center Initiative on Religion, Politics, and Society; Urban Ethnography Project (UEP); Yale Institute for Network Science (YINS).
Director of Graduate Studies