
September 2014
Wendell Bell

Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and Its Diasporas (a special issue in honor of Roy Simón Bryce-Laporte), 15, Numbers 1 and 2 (Summer/Fall 2014): 5-17.

Publisher Link Roy Simón Bryce-Laporte was an academic pioneer, a social scientist committed to truth, a scholar of the history and sociology of the black diaspora, a dedicated teacher, an inspiring mentor, a kind and compassionate person, and a man devoted to social justice, freedom, equality,...
January 2014
Wendell Bell

pp. 9-12 in Juan J. Linz: Scholar, Teacher, Friend, edited by H. E. Chehabi. Cambridge, MA: Ty Aur Press, 2014.

Publisher Link   This book contains 85 essays in six languages about Juan J. Linz (1926-2013), Sterling Professor Emeritus of Political and Social Science at Yale University. Also included are twenty pages of photographs, a complete bibliography of Linz’s works, and syllabi of six of his...
December 2013
Wendell Bell

Journal of Futures Studies, December 2013, 18 (2): 105-110

  Excerpt: I think it was in 1991 at the Hawaii Judicial Foresight Congress in Honolulu. Jim Dator was a major speaker—if not the keynote speaker—before a very large audience. After he was introduced, Jim walked to the podium and, as the audience quieted down, he stood for a moment or two looking...
September 2013

Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Publisher >> Since their classic volume The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes was published in 1978, Juan J. Linz and Alfred Stepan have increasingly focused on the questions of how, in the modern world, nondemocratic regimes can be eroded and democratic regimes crafted. In Problems of...
September 2013

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Volume 69 Issue 5

Publisher Link >> Governments and the nuclear power industry have a strong interest in playing down the harmful effects of radiation from atomic weapons and nuclear power plants. Over the years, some scientists have supported the view that low levels of radiation are not harmful, while other...
May 2013
Wendell Bell

New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers

Publisher Link >> Life courses, both professional and personal, are often directed by unplanned experiences. At crossroads, which path is followed and which hard choices are made can change the direction of one’s future. Wendell Bell’s life illustrates how totally unforeseen events can shape...
January 2013
Karl Mayer

Comparative Sociology 12 (2): 184-210.

Publisher Link >> Abstract: There is an ongoing debate over whether the stability of working lives in Germany has declined in recent decades. In this piece, we contribute to the literature by arguing that subjective mobility perceptions, hence individuals’ self-reported mobility desires and...
December 2012

The Montréal Review.

Publisher Link >> “Perrow’s 1984 book Normal Accidents and his many publications analyzing how and why technological systems are vulnerable to disaster have achieved iconic status.” –The American Prospect Magazine Complex Organizations was a serial of sorts. The first edition (...
November 2011

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

Publisher Link >> Abstract: Governments regulate risky industrial systems such as nuclear power plants in hopes of making them less risky, and a variety of formal and informal warning systems can help society avoid catastrophe. Governments, businesses, and citizens respond when disaster...
October 2011

Bloomberg News

Publisher Link >>   Reducing carbon-dioxide emissions is primarily a political problem, rather than a technological one. This fact was well illustrated by the fate of the 2009 climate bill that barely passed the U.S. House of Representatives and never came up for a vote in the Senate.  The...
August 2011
Wendell Bell

Altruism, Morality and Social Solidarity Forum 3, No. 1 (August, 2011): 29-30

  >Publisher Link  
May 2011

(2011) [1980], Revised ed. with New Prologue. San Francisco: Univ. of California Press.

This book covers the consolidation of the European world-economy during the seventeenth century. The 17th century history was determined by the struggle for the surplus-value between states and classes. States tried to concentrate all the major sources of capitalist profits within their frontiers...
May 2011

(2011) [1974] Revised ed. with New Prologue. San Francisco: Univ. of California Press.

Publisher Link >> From Google Books: Immanuel Wallerstein’s highly influential, multi-volume opus, The Modern World-System, is one of this century’s greatest works of social science. An innovative, panoramic reinterpretation of global history, it traces the emergence and development of the...
January 2011

(2011, New Edition) (2007); Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Publisher Link >>   From Princeton Press: Charles Perrow is famous worldwide for his ideas about normal accidents, the notion that multiple and unexpected failures–catastrophes waiting to happen–are built into our society’s complex systems. In The Next Catastrophe, he...
July 2010

Review Essay, Contemporary Sociology, 2010, v 39, no 4, 411-416.

Publisher Link >>   Books on climate change are coming out at an increasing rate, and in my mind we cannot get enough of them. I see climate change as the problem that trumps all others for the next few decades. Indeed, predicted warming increases will exacerbate most of our other major...