A profile story of Associate Professor Andrew Papachristos, entitled, “Integrating Sociology and Public Health to Reduce Homicide and Gun Violence,” appears on the RWJF...
Our grads continue to be recognized by the discipline at large! Jeffrey Guhin is one of the two winners of the 2013 Graduate Student Paper Award for his paper, “Why Worry?:...
Jeffrey Guhin is one of the two winners of the ASA 2013 Graduate Student Paper Award/Religion Section for his paper, “Why Worry?: Evolution and Narrative Path Dependence in...
Professor Chris Wildeman has received this year’s Ruth Shonle Cavan Young Scholar Award. The award recognizes outstanding scholarly contributions to the discipline of...
Professor Deborah Davis is this year’s winner of Yale’s coveted Lex Hixon ‘63 Prize for Teaching Excellence in the Social Sciences. Congratulations, Debbie! ...
Tom Crosbie has received the Research and Travel Award in International History and Security provided by the Smith Richardson Foundation. These awards provide support to...
On May 3-4, the Center for Cultural Sociology (CCS) will hold its annual spring conference. This year’s program, Cultural Analysis and Complex Phenomena, includes a...
Mayor Michael Nutter of Philadelphia, in an invited lecture under the auspices of Professor Elijah Anderson’s Urban Ethnography Project, spoke to a gathering of Yale...
Elisabeth Becker has been awarded the DAAD Research Fellowship. DAAD is the German national agency for the support of international academic cooperation, and is the largest...
President-Elect Peter Salovey announced today that Yale will establish an interdisciplinary Institute of Network Science. YINS will be co-directed by sociologist and...