PhD candidate Shai Dromi has a new paper out in a special issue of The Sociological Review. The article is entitled ‘For good and country: nationalism and the diffusion of humanitarianism in the late nineteenth century’ and appears in the journal’s special edition, Fielding Transnationalism, which is edited by Boston University’s Julian Go and Monika Krause, of Goldsmiths College, University of London. In the paper, Dromi examines the nascent transnational humanitarian field of the late 19th century through the work of the emerging Red Cross Movement in the 1860s–1890s, drawing primarily on the archive of the International Committee of the Red Cross. He shows that National Red Cross (NRC) societies employed a discourse drawn from a transnational cultural arena in order to gain central positioning in their national fields and to convince other parties of their necessity, while also using nationalism as a form of symbolic capital in establishing themselves in their national fields, seemingly at odds with their cosmopolitan aspirations.