Student Awards And Recognition

November 21, 2014
Graduate Student Angela Onwuachi-Willig has been selected to receive the Association of American Law Schools Minority Groups Section’s highest honor for senior faculty...
June 27, 2014
PhD candidate Yingyao Wang’s article “The Rise of the ‘Shareholding State‘: Financialization of Economic Management” has won the EHESS France-Japan Foundation Best...
June 12, 2014
At this year’s commencement ceremonies three new graduates received their PhDs. We are proud to congratulate Jeffrey Guhin, Natalie Nitsche, Stephanie Greenlea, and...
May 12, 2014
Graduate student Tony Cheng has received the American Sociological Association’s Community Action Research Award for his work in Bridgeport, CT involving a street...
April 28, 2014
All are welcome to the annual Sussman Award Lecture this Wednesday, April 30, at 2:30 pm in the School of Law Building, room 122. This year’s Marvin B. Sussman Award...
April 24, 2014
Graduate student Jonathan Endelman has been awarded a Fox Fellowship from Yale’s MacMillan Center. He will spend the next year in Istanbul, Turkey, where he will be...
April 24, 2014
Graduate student Jensen Sass has been awarded a 2014-2015 Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Writing Fellowship. This prestigious award is intended to support a year of research and...
April 8, 2014
Graduate student Luke Wagner has been selected for a 2014-2015 Fulbright U.S. Student Award to Nepal. The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange...
September 9, 2013
Graduate student Elisabeth Becker has been awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant from the National Science Foundation. The grants, which are intended to...
Craig Holloway
June 26, 2013
PhD student Craig Holloway is one of the thirteen fellows selected as an ISPS Policy Fellow for the 2013–14 academic year. See below for the links to Craig’s profile and to...