Anne Taylor

Anne Taylor's picture
B.A., History, Gordon College – Wenham, MA, 2010
BA., Sociology, University of Colorado – Boulder, 2016
M.A., Sociology, Yale University - 2019
Areas of Interest: 
Cultural Sociology; Social Theory; Religion; Media; Popular Culture
Performing Religion: Charisma, Enchantment, and the Sacred in a Post-Secular Age

Anne Taylor is a PhD candidate in Sociology at Yale University. Originally from Boulder, Colorado, Anne earned a BA in History from Gordon College in Massachusetts in 2010, where she focused on ancient religion, medieval art and spiritual-political intersections. She then went on to earn a second BA in Sociology from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2016, where she graduated summa cum laude with distinction for her honors thesis, “A Shared Revelation: Charismatic Communities and the Puritan Experiment in Early New England,” which was advised by sociologist Isaac Reed. In 2017, she received an Honorable Mention from the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program, and since 2021 has been a Research Fellow at the Center for Media, Religion and Culture at the University of Colorado Boulder. Prior to her academic work, Anne worked for Bernie 2016 and Apple, Inc as a group facilitator and in the summer of 2021, she worked as a qualitative research intern at Twitter.  


Taylor, Anne. Forthcoming. “‘Keep on Travelin’: Rick Steves’ Europe and the Cure for American Ethnocentricity,” Material Religion.

Taylor, Anne. 2024. “Harry Potter and the ‘Death of the Actor’: reimagining fusion in cultural pragmatics,” American Journal of Cultural Sociology

Taylor, Anne. 2022. “Audience Agency in Social Performance,” Cultural Sociology 16(1): 68-85.

Taylor, Anne. 2022. “What is Cultural Sociological Debate? A Review of Lyn Spillman’s What is Cultural Sociology? (2020, Cambridge: Polity Press)” International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society This review was written in an exchange with the author, whose response can be found here