Till Hilmar
Till’s research interests include culture and inequality, social memory and networks, friendship and justice beliefs, moral economy and logics of valuation, as well as visual sociology and data visualization. In his dissertation, he studies the meaning of “economic memory“ and notions of deservingness through changes to social ties in emerging market societies in central-eastern Europe after 1989 (East Germany and the Czech Republic).
He also works on historical-political education and the legacies of 20th century authoritarianism across Europe. Prior to his graduate studies at Yale, he has worked at memorial sites and has published on educational and sociological aspects of visits to sites commemorating the victims of Nazism.
Hillmar, Till (2019). The Temporal Logic of Deservingness. Inequality Beliefs in Two Post-Socialist Societies, in: Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 5, 1-16.
Hilmar, Till (2016): Narrating Unity at the European Union’s new History Museum: A Cultural-Process Approach to the Study of Collective Memory, in: European Journal of Sociology, August 2016, 57 (2)
Hilmar, Till (2016): Storyboards of Remembrance. Representations of the Past in Visitors’ Photography at Auschwitz, in: Memory Studies, October 2016, 9 (4)
- Hilmar, Till (2014): Storyboards der Erinnerung. Eine empirische Fallstudie zu Geschichtsbildern und ästhetischer Wahrnehmung beim Besuch der Gedenkstätte Auschwitz-Birkenau, Vienna: New Academic Press.
- Hilmar, Till (2013): Ausgehend vom historischen Ort, wohin? “Diskursive Orte” der Vermittlungsarbeit zum Nationalsozialismus auf Studienfahrten, in: Linda Erker, Klaus Kienesberger, Erich Vogl, Fritz Hausjell (ed.): Gedächtnis-Verlust? Geschichtsvermittlung und - didaktik in der Mediengesellschaft, Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag, pp. 54–69.
- Hilmar, Till (2010) (ed.): Ort, Subjekt, Verbrechen. Koordinaten historisch-politischer Bildungsarbeit zum Nationalsozialismus, Vienna: Czernin (Verein GEDENKDIENST)