Wendell Bell
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 1952
Wendell Bell is Professor Emeritus of Sociology and a Fellow of the Koerner Center, Yale University. He joined the Yale faculty in 1963, served as Chair of the Department of Sociology, helped to found the Yale Program (now Department) of African American Studies, directed the Yale Comparative Sociology Training Program, which required students to do research abroad, and was a Senior Research Scientist in the Yale Center for Comparative Research (2000-05). Before that, he was on the faculties of Stanford University where he directed the Stanford Survey Research Facility (1952-54), Northwestern University (1954-57), and UCLA, where he headed the West Indies Study Program (1957-63). He was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA (1963-64). During World War II, he was a naval aviator and did a tour of duty in the Philippines. His fields of interest are futures studies and social change, human values and global ethics, altruism, social stratification, ethnicity and nationalism (Caribbean, Western Europe, and comparatively worldwide). His early research was on the social areas of American cities, focusing on social class, race, and family life. Later, he studied elites, nationalism, and social change in the new states of the Caribbean and served as President of the Caribbean Studies Association in 1979-80. He has been a futurist for four decades and was a gubernatorial appointee to the Commission on Connecticut’s Future. He continues to work as a futurist-sociologist consultant, for example in 1999 participating in the work of the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century. He is the author or co-author of ten books and more than 200 articles, chapters, and book reviews. In 2005 the World Futures Studies Federation awarded him a Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his many contributions to the field of futures studies and in 2008 the Association of Professional Futurists selected his two-volume Foundations of Futures Studies (1997) as being among the ten most important futures books of all time. In 2014, the Futures Research Committee of the International Sociological Association honored him by awarding him an Inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award for the most distinguished contributions to forward-oriented sociology.
Selected Publications
Books and Monographs
- Creating a Future of Non-Violence, Universal Human Dignity, and Mutual Respect, collection of essays, in process.
- Memories of the Future, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2012. (http://news.yale.edu/2012/03/14/book-memories-future.)
- Foundations of Futures Studies: Human Science for a New Era. New Brunswick, NJ:Transaction Publishers, 1997.
- Volume 1, “History, Purposes, and Knowledge.” [Paperback English, revised edition published, fall, 2003.][Chinese translation, 2004, translator: Kuo Hua Chen, published in Taiwan.]
- Volume 2, “Values, Objectivity, and the Good Society.” [Paperback English, revised edition published, 2004.] [Chinese translation, 2008, translator: Kuo Hua Chen, published in Taiwan.]
- Guest editor, The Future World as a Moral Community, a special issue of the Futures Research Quarterly 12 (1) (Spring 1996).
- Ethnicity and Nation-Building: Comparative, International and Historical Perspectives. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1974 (co-editor with Walter E. Freeman and contributor).
- The Sociology of the Future: Theory, Cases, and Annotated Bibliography. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1971 (co-editor with James A. Mau and contributor). Selected as an alternate by the Library of Human Behavior.
- The Democratic Revolution in the West Indies: Studies in Nationalism, Leadership, and the Belief in Progress. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman, 1967 (editor and contributor). An excerpt reprinted in William S. Taylor and Phoebe L.S. Taylor (eds.), The Human Course: Collected Thoughts for Living. New York: Halsted Press, Wiley, 1974.
- Decisions of Nationhood: Political and Social Development in the British Caribbean. Denver, CO: Social Science Foundation, University of Denver, 1964 (with Ivar Oxaal).
- Jamaican Leaders: Political Attitudes in a New Nation. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press, 1964.
- Public Leadership. San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1961 (with R. J. Hill and C. R. Wright). An excerpt reprinted in Kimball Young and Raymond W. Mack (eds.), Systematic Sociology: Text and Readings. New York: American Book Co., Second Edition, 1962, pp. 353-355.
- Social Area Analysis. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1955 (with Eshref Shevky).
- A digest reprinted in George A. Theodorson (ed.), Studies in Human Ecology. Evanston, Ill.: Row, Peterson, and Co., 1961, pp. 226-235.
- A digest reprinted in Sandor Halebsky (ed.), The Sociology of the City. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1973, pp. 145-153.
- A digest translated and reprinted as “Sozialraumanalyse.” Pp. 125-139 in Peter Atteslander and Bernd Hamm (eds.), Materialien zur Siedlungssoziologie. Koln, West Germany: Kiepenheuer and Witsch, 1974 (in German).
- People of the City. Stanford, CA: Stanford University, mimeographed, 1954 (with the collaboration of Marion D. Boat and Maryanne T. Force).
- “Juan Linz came to Yale and put his bucket down,” pp. 9-12 in Juan J. Linz: Scholar, Teacher, Friend, edited by H. E. Chehabi. Cambridge, MA: Ty Aur Press, 2014.
- “Sobre cómo convetirse en un futurista y cómo serlo: una entrevista con Wendell Bell,” by Levelhead 753 (aka Wendell Bell), in Enric Bas and Mario Guilló (eds.), Prospectiva e Innovación Social, volumen 1 “Visiones.” México D.F.: Plaza & Valdés Editores, 2012 (in Spanish).
- “Preface,” in Janet Rae Mondlane (ed.), Oeco da tua voz: cartas editadas de Eduardo Mondlane, Vol. 2. Maputo, Mozambique: Imprensa Universitária, 2010 (in Portuguese).
- “Public sociology and the future: the possible, the probable, and the preferable,” in Vincent Jeffries (ed.), Handbook of Public Sociology. Rowman & Littlefield, 2009.
- “Futuros para la democracia.” Pp 102-06 in Diálogo de Alto Nivel, Los Futuros del Mundo, Alternativas para México. World Future Society Capítulo Mexicano, A.C., 2004.
- “New futures and the eternal struggle between good and evil.” Pp. 213-32 in Howard F. Didsbury, Jr. (ed.), 21st Century Opportunities and Challenges: An Age of Destruction or an Age of Transformation. Bethesda, MD: World Future Society, 2003.
- “Choosing your future.” Pp. 151-59 in Arthur B. Shostak (ed.), Viable Utopian Ideas: Shaping a Better World, Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2003.
- “Making people responsible: the possible, the probable, and the preferable.” Pp. 33-52 in James A. Dator (ed.), Advancing Futures: Futures Studies in Higher Education. Westport, CT: Praeger Studies on the 21st Century, 2002.
- “Foreword: Preparing for the Future.” Pp. xi-xvi in David Hicks, Lessons for the Future: The Missing Perspective in Education, London: Routledge-Falmer, 2002.
- “Human Values, Social Change, and the Future.” Pp. 125-40 in Reimon Bachika (ed.), Traditional Religion and Culture in a New Era, Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2002.
- An Overview of Futures Studies.” Pp. 28-56 and 290-99 in R. A. Slaughter (ed.), The Knowledge Base of Futures Studies, Vol. 1. Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia: DDM Media Group, 1996.
- “Why Should We Care About Future Generations?” Pp. 25-41 in H.F. Didsbury, Jr., ed., The Years Ahead: Perils, Progress, and Promises. Bethesda, MD: The World Future Society, 1993.
- “Equality and Social Justice: Foundations of Nationalism in the Caribbean,” in S.B. Jones-Hendrickson (ed.), Caribbean Visions. Frederiksted, VI: Eastern Caribbean Institute, 1991: 3-46.
“Ideological Foundations of Development in the West Indies,” in S. Greer, et al. (eds.), The New Urbanization. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1968, pp. 89-110, with Charles C. Moskos.
“Urban Neighborhoods and Individual Behavior.” Pp. 235-264 in Muzafer and Carolyn Sherif (eds.), Problems of Youth. Chicago: Aldine, 1965.
- “Introduction: Roy Simón Bryce-Laporte at Yale,” Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and Its Diasporas (a special issue in honor of Roy Simón Bryce-Laporte), 15, Numbers 1 and 2 (Summer/Fall 2014): 5-17.
- “James A. Dator: The man who beats the drum for futures studies.” Journal of Futures Studies 18 (2) (December 2013): 109-114.
- “Why do people write memoirs?” Altruism, Morality and Social Solidarity Forum 3, No. 1 (August, 2011): 29-30.
- “Special Issue Devoted to the Work Of Wendell Bell.” Futures 43, Issue 6 (August 2011). (Click on the title of each article to view the brief abstract.)
- “Wendell Bell and Oliver W. Markley: two futurists’ views of the preferable, the possible and the probable. Journal of Futures Studies” 13, No. 3 (2009): 161-178 (by Darrell Kicker).
- “The American invasion of Grenada: a note on false prophecy,” Foresight 10, No. 3 (2008): 27-42.
- “Looking towards the futures studies renaissance: a conversation between Richard A. Slaughter and Wendell Bell,” Journal of Futures Studies, 12 (1) (August 2007).
- “Eleonora Barbieri Masini on the empowerment of women,” Futures, 38 (10) (December 2006): 1179-1189. Available online at ScienceDirect:
- “On becoming and being a futurist: an interview with Wendell Bell,” Journal of Futures Studies 10 (2) (November 2005): 113-24 (by Levelhead 753 [aka Wendell Bell]).
- “Creativity, skepticism, and visioning the future,” Futures 37 (5) (June 2005): 429-32. Available online at ScienceDirect: 9: 27-54.
- “Goals of Futures Studies (RC07),” Futures Research, Newsletter of the International Sociological Association, Research Committee 07, 17 (November 2003): 3-5.
- “How has American life changed since September 11?” Journal of Futures Studies 8 (1) (August 2003): 73-80.
- “The clash of civilizations and universal human values,” Journal of Futures Studies 6 (3) (February 2002): 1-20.
- “A community of futurists and the state of the futures field,” Futures 34 (3-4) (April/May 2002): 235-47.
- “Values, Education, and the Future.” Pp. 450-461 in Mika Mannermaa (ed.), Linking Present Decisions to Long-Range Visions. Vol. II. Budapest, Hungary: Research Institute for Social Studies, 1992.
- “Bias, probability, and prison populations: a future for affirmative action?” Futurics 7, No. 1 (1983): 18-25.
- “The Maid of Utah Beach,” Army 31 (June 1981): 60-62. (A personal reminiscence.)