William McMillan
B.S. Logistics, magna cum laude (University of Tennessee);
M.A. Theological Studies (Westminster Seminary California);
M.Div. (Reformed Theological Seminary);
Postbaccalaureate Fellowship (Rice University)
Areas of Interest:
Sociology of Religion, Religion, Culture, Politics; Philosophy of Social Science
Dissertation: My dissertation is an extended case study of a theologically conservative Protestant church in Manhattan, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, that has developed an interactional style that has deeply factored in the ‘new conditions of belief’ that it assumes dominate its highly secular, cosmopolitan milieu. The church has contextualized to the city in its ethos, modes of expression, and portrayal of the world in relation to the secular imaginary, thus, cultivating a plausibility structure that ‘works’ for its attendees in the city. The church and its associated organizations have become the recognized experts among evangelicals in starting churches in global cities around the world.