

To send news of awards, special lectures, events, or publications, please write to Feel free to include links and images (poster, book cover, powerpoint, portrait), or other media related to the news.

August 6, 2018
The film “Crazy Rich Asians,” opening in theaters this month, may help to challenge stereotypes about Asian American men as unattractive, according to an article published on...
July 30, 2018
The Sociology Department is pleased to announced that Nicholas A. Christakis was just named as Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale University. This is...
July 21, 2018
The Department of Sociology is proud to announce that Jeffrey C. Alexander is the 2018 Winner of the Distinguished Contribution to Sociological Theory from the International...
July 20, 2018
Graduate student Patrice Collins has been awarded the Yale University President’s Public Service Fellowship (PPSF), Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Emerging...
July 19, 2018
The Sociology Department is happy to announce that Josh Feng is the 2018 Winner of the Mildred Priest Frank Award for the best B.A. Thesis. Josh’s thesis was titled, “...
July 18, 2018
Please check out the CCS website for links to the Muslims for American Progress (MAP) Report, and a timely Huffington Post article quoting Becker which covers the release of...
July 13, 2018
Jean-Baptiste Gallopin was awarded the Fox Fellowship and the Harry Frank Guggenheim Dissertation Fellowship.  The Fox Fellowship will provide support for an exchange at the...
July 11, 2018
We are happy to announce that as of July 1, 2018, the new Chair of the Sociology Department is Grace Kao. An expert on race, migration, and education Kao arrived at Yale from...
July 5, 2018
Recent Departmental graduates Shai Dromi (PhD 2016) and Andrew Cohen (PhD 2017) have been awarded the 2018 ASA Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity Section’s...
June 28, 2018
William McMillan obtained his PhD from Yale Sociology in May 2018.  He is departing for the University of Connecticut to be a Humility and Conviction in Public Life...