Sociology Student Advisory Committee Forming

March 1, 2009

What it is [from ycc website]: In most departments, the DUS organizes and chairs an advisory committee that includes students and that meets at regular intervals during the year to review aspects of the department’s undergraduate curriculum as it affects both majors and nonmajors. Typically it advises the department on such matters as ideas for new courses and programs, proposals for improvement of instruction or advising in the department, and suggestions for changes in the requirements of the major. The Sociology Student Advisory Committee will meet once or twice per term over dinner or lunch to discuss the undergraduate program and develop ideas for social and intellectual activities. If you are not able to serve at this time but have suggestions, please send DUS,Hannah Brückner an email detailing your ideas. If you would like to serve on the sociology student advisory committee, please enter the times you are available for a meeting here: