Center for Cultural Sociology (CCS) visiting scholar Florian Stoll has organized a workshop on August 22nd and 23rd with guests from Africa, Europe and America to discuss his...
Shai M. Dromi received an honorable mention from the ASA Comparative-Historical Section’s 2017 Theda Skocpol Best Dissertation Award committee. Shai’s project is...
We are delighted to announce that faculty member Professor Grace Kao has been elected to be Vice-President Elect of the American Sociological Association (http://www.asanet....
Professor Grace Kao has won the American Sociological Association’s Section on Asia and Asian America Contribution to the Field Award for 2017. Kao was unanimously...
Sociology graduate students Sarah Brothers, Alex DiBranco, and Tina Law have been announced as 2017-2018 Graduate Policy Fellows at Yale’s Institution for Social and...
Graduate student Sam Stabler was elected to the American Sociological Association’s section on Altruism Morality and Social Solidarity’s council. There he will...
Graduate student Hirokazu Shirado and Professor Nicholas Christakis recently published an article entitled “Locally noisy autonomous agents improve global human coordination...
‘The Boundaries of Spatial Inequality: Three Essays on the Measurement and Analysis of Residential Segregation.’ The Sussman Award is given to the graduate student whose...
The segment discusses the return of Brio, a magazine marketed to Christian teenage girls, as an alternative to Seventeen or Teen Vogue. At the bottom of the article, Brophy-...
Professor Nicholas Christakis has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Said Professor Christakis of the honor: “I am grateful to my colleagues for...