

To send news of awards, special lectures, events, or publications, please write to Feel free to include links and images (poster, book cover, powerpoint, portrait), or other media related to the news.

April 19, 2016
Graduate student Michael Sierra-Arévalo recently published a paper analyzing a gun violence reduction program piloted in New Haven, CT. Co-authored with Professor Andrew V....
April 19, 2016
Graduate student Elisabeth Becker has been selected by Yale’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) to receive its 2016 Public Service Award in recognition of her...
April 15, 2016
Congratulations to postdoc Dr. Michael DeLand, who has won the Mel Pollner Award in Ethnomethodology. Dr. DeLand was honored with the $1,000 prize in recognition of his essay...
April 9, 2016
We are delighted to announce that Joscha Legewie will be joining our department from July 1 as an Assistant Professor of Sociology. Legewie gained his PhD in sociology from...
April 8, 2016
Professor Emily Erikson has been elected to serve on the Executive Council of the SASE (the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics). SASE is an international, inter-...
March 31, 2016
Dr. Margarita Mooney has been working in our department since 2013 as an Associate Research Scientist and the Co-Principal Investigator on Professor Philip S. Gorski’s...
March 2, 2016
World-renowned stratification scholar Donald Treiman, Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus, UCLA Sociology, will join our department as a Visiting Professor for the Fall...
March 2, 2016
Graduate student Hirokazu Shirado has been chosen as the National Institute for Social Science’s 2016 Seed Grant Recipient. The prestigious award is for his project “...
February 18, 2016
Assistant Professor Lloyd Grieger has been awarded a grant worth $143,578 from the Russell Sage Foundation to support research into social inequality. His project, entitled “...
February 18, 2016
Graduate student Kristin Plys has a new publication in the International Journal of Comparative Sociology this month. Her article, ”Worker self-management in the Third World...