
The Twittersphere's Pick for Best Picture
February 22, 2013
  Elizabeth Butler Breese, (Yale Sociology PhD, 2012), has written for the Huffington Post blog, a piece on the 2012 Oscar nominees for Best Picture, as analyzed from the...
February 19, 2013
  Professor Rene Almeling’s research on egg and sperm donation is featured in an article published today in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Titled “The Student Body...
Christopher Wildeman
February 18, 2013
  Professor Chris Wildeman’s research on children of the American prison boom prompts a New York Times mention in John Tierney’s “Prison and the Poverty Trap,”...
February 14, 2013
  This year the Department of Sociology has the pleasure of hosting Professor Theda Skocpol of Harvard University for the annual Hollingshead Lecture, held on Wednesday...
February 6, 2013
  The Yale Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS) will host a panel, “Preventing Gun Violence: What Research and Experience Can Tell Us About What Works,” on...
January 29, 2013
  Elijah Anderson, William K. Lanman Professor of Sociology, has received the prestigious Cox-Johnson-Frazier Award from the American Sociological Association. The award...
CCR Logo
January 26, 2013
  The biannual Grad Student Conference of the Center for Comparative Research (CCR) was held on January 26 at the New Haven Lawn Club. This year’s special program, “The...
January 15, 2013
Frederick F. Wherry will join the Yale faculty as Professor of Sociology on July 1 2013. Professor Wherry, currently at Columbia University, is the author of several noted...
Emmett & Trayvon
January 14, 2013
Emmett Till, 14, who was murdered in 1955, and Trayvon Martin, 17, slain in 2011, have become symbols of some of the challenges that have faced young black men in America....
January 14, 2013
A volume of essays, Bourdieu and Historical Analysis, edited by Professor Philip Gorski, has just been published in the Politics, History, and Culture Series of Duke...