

To send news of awards, special lectures, events, or publications, please write to Feel free to include links and images (poster, book cover, powerpoint, portrait), or other media related to the news.

January 12, 2014
Graduate student Candas Pinar has a new article out in the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. In it, she argues that unifying notions of Islam often undermine meaningful...
January 10, 2014
The Department is pleased to announce that Professor Paul DiMaggio will deliver this year’s Hollingshead Lecture, titled “Analyzing Environments of Representation: Using...
Jean-Baptiste Gallopin
December 27, 2013
Graduate Student Jean-Baptiste Gallopin recently appeared on France24 news as a political analyst and Sudanese specialist, speaking on the conflict in South Sudan. Watch his...
Shai Dromi
December 27, 2013
Graduate student Shai Dromi just published new research in the journal Sociological Inquiry on the communicative functions of money in the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. In it...
December 23, 2013
An op-ed on gun violence written collectively by Yale’s new “Guns in the United States” course has been published in the Hartford Courant. The course was led by...
elijah Anderson
December 11, 2013
Professor Elijah Anderson was invited to deliver a keynote address about the case of Trayvon Martin at the recent meeting of the American Society of Criminology. In his talk...
December 6, 2013
The Yale Journal of Sociology for 2013 has been released and is now available online from our homepage. As is customary it features items from authors at the two ends of...
December 4, 2013
Professor Andrew Papachristos has published a new op-ed in the Washington Post drawing on his research with Professor Christopher Wildeman on social networks and gun violence...
November 30, 2013
Professor Rene Almeling wrote an op-ed that appeared in Sunday’s New York Times. In it, she argues that the changing technological and economic landscape of sperm donation...
November 26, 2013
A new article in Theory, Culture & Society by Professor Jeff Alexander is out now online ahead of print. In the article, Alexander considers avant-garde theatre as a...